

Initial Setup

sudo apt install git vim dconf-cli uuid-runtime pulseaudio blueman pavucontrol \
  pip3 install --user powerline-status
flatpak update


Look to see which processes are taking the most time of the boot process

systemd-analyze blame
systemd-analyze critical-chain

Displays the current services


Disable a systemd service

systemctl disable <service>.

Verify services dependencies

systemctl list-dependencies --reverse plymouth-quit-wait.service


Create a new file in /etc/ called .conf Edit the file and add a line per directory of shared libraries (*.so files), it will look something like:


Reload the list of system-wide library paths:

sudo ldconfig


Edit /etc/ Add a line per directory of shared libraries (*.so files) to the bottom of the file, it will look something like:


Reload the list of system-wide library paths:


If you run your new application it should now work fine without you having to set any LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables. If you still have problems you can obtain a list of the libraries that are on the system path by re-running the ldconfig command in verbose mode:

ldconfig -v


Copy/paste to clipboard

sudo apt install xclip
  • Create alias to commands inside .bashrc or .zshrc

alias tcopy="xclip -selection c"; 
alias tpaste="xclip -selection clipboard -o"
  • Example

echo -n test | tcopy

Install `.deb` files

sudo apt install gdebi
sudo gdebi deb-file.deb

Last updated